Friday 16 September 2011

Ben talks about the FIFA 12 demo Xbox 360
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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Halo Combat Evolved.

Written by

Ben M

 Nearly 10 years ago we were introduced to a green man called chief and a purple lady called cortana.

Of course im talking about Halo Combat Evolved.

So let me take you back to the year 2001. which doesn’t seem that long ago.

But yes it’s really has been almost 10 years.

Here is just a quick story of how I heard about Halo. Then I will start my review.

When I first heard of halo I was actually buying my Xbox, you know the black box with a green logo on top which looked more like a beverage holder.

I was offered the game as part of a deal with the Xbox but I was more interested in another game. So me being stupid  I said “No”.

2 weeks went by and I went over to a mate’s house and he was playing a game I’d never seen before. I asked him was it was, he said “HALO OF COURSE”.

Being a good mate he let me have ago, only for ten minutes mind you but that’s all it took and I was hooked, and also kicking myself that I didn’t take the offer.

Long story short pay day came around and I brought Halo.

 Recently I brought it on Xbox live on the ‘on demand’ section.

 And I must say it holds up even today,

 Quick run down of the story:

In Halo's twenty-sixth century setting, the player assumes the role of the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced super-soldier. The player is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence who occupies the Master Chief's neural interface. Players battle various aliens on foot and in vehicles as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial planet.

 The Graphics even today hold up. Even without a HD TV They are very smooth, and when you fire your assalt rifle there is just a real sense of satisfaction.

The one thing I have noticed this time round is that sometimes the mouths don’t always match the voices.

There are moments in the game I just find myself looking in the distance at the planet that halo orbits, and just looking at it even though im being shot at.

The famous score of halo everyone knows. There are so many moments in the game that when your fighting for your life the music really mirrors whats happening. And it just sounds great.

Even though there was no xbox live option (because Xbox live did not launch until 2002), the multiplayer was still good, there was the cooperative mode where you and a friend could take on the campaign, but also with 2 tv’s 2 xbox’s and a link cable you could do an 8 player deathmatch or team deathmatch or what ever you wanted.

It was so satisfying hurling a plasma grenade at one of your mates faces and seeing them sceaming and trying to run away from it, priceless!

Overall halo is just one of those classic games, like goldeneye for the N64.

You just love it because of the memories and the fun times it gave us.

The score I give it is 4 out of 5 just because of the grapics on some of the charcters faces when they are talking.

If I had reviewed it when it came out I would have definately given it 5 out 5!

Alan Wake Xbox360

Its Been Awhile since Alan Wake came out.

Most of you should know the story by now but if not here is a quick recap.

Alan has become a successful writer. His novels have been about a New York detective Alex Casey. In The Sudden Stop, Alan kills off Casey then develops a severe case of writer's block. Alan and Alice plan a vacation to the northwest town of Bright Falls to get away from the pressure of writing another book, pressure in part due to Alan's agent Barry.

On arriving in town, Alice drops Alan off at the local diner to pick up the key to their cabin. Instead of meeting up with a man, Alan is given a key and directions to the cabin by an old widow woman in a dark corridor by the bathroom. That Alan should have waited is evident as the man with the real key comes running out of the diner as Alice and Alan drive away.

The Wakes go to the cabin on the island on Cauldron Lake - that's right, the cabin and island that sunk in the '70s killing Tom Zane, and have a fight because there is a typewriter and paper there for Alan to try to write. He storms out to the bridge connecting the island to the shore to sulk when he hear's Alice scream. Running for the house, the lights are off, something he knows Alice wouldn't do. Racing through the open back door he sees that the railing has broken and he can see Alice sinking into the lake below. Alan dives in after her.

That’s all I will say, I don’t want to ruin it for those who haven’t played it yet.
The Game itself is a 3rd person game, I wouldn’t say it is a shooter, you do have a few weapons,
But it doesn’t focus too much on guns. Your main weapon and safe haven is light.

My favourite weapon is the Flair Gun although ammo is quite hard to find so when you get it keep as much as you can until you really need it. Flair's are very useful as well if you get surrounded by enemy’s just pop flair and it will make them back off for a few second, or even clear a path to the next checkpoint. But I really like the flash grenades one of those will pretty much clear an area.

The Light and Darkness play a big part in this game.
The Darkness acts like a shield round the enemies, you aim you energizer torch (flashlight) at an enemy and it drains the darkness from around them, then you can shoot your revolver or shotgun at them. There is no point shooting before hand it will not damage them.

You meet some funny and weird characters in this game, they are all very balanced characters and progress the story. My favourite character is Barry Alan's Agent. He starts off quite annoying, but when the horror starts he is the comic relief for the game.

Game play overall is very easy to pick up.
The Story keeps you interested from start to finish, infact when it does end you want more,
Well I did anyway.
I have just downloaded the dlc for Alan wake which is called The Signal. People who brought the game when it first came out would have got a code to download it for free.

I would recommend ALAN WAKE to anyone the graphics are excellent, the game play is very easy to pick up, and the way the story is done keeps you in suspense.

I Give It 5 out of 5
Alan WakeAlan Wake